Maxwell Hair Clinic

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Our Process for Local Patients

  1. Send us your information
  2. Come in for your in-person consultation
  3. Schedule your procedure when ready
  4. Surgery day
  5. One week recovery
  6. 1 month, 6 month, and 12 month in-person/virtual checkups
  7. Enjoy your results

Our Process for Remote Patients

  1. Send us your information
  2. We perform an online consultation
  3. Book your surgery
  4. Come to Korea
  5. Surgery day
  6. One week recovery
  7. 1 month, 6 month, and 12 month virtual checkups
  8. Enjoy your results

Superior Results

Maxwell Guarantee

  • Hair transplants are recommended only when necessary or when they will yield effective results.
  • All transplant designs take future hair loss into consideration.
  • The surgery will utilize only the required number of grafts.
  • Our techniques and technology are always up-to-date.
  • We ensure a smooth approach to hair transplant surgery and treatment.
  • Our patients’ privacy is guaranteed; we will never publicly share their names, contact information, or images without formal written consent.