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FUT Hair Transplant

For many individuals, hair loss is a significant concern that affects not only their appearance but also their self-esteem, even career growth. Recognizing this, hair transplantation has become a widely sought-after solution, offering a path to renewed confidence and hair growth. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) stands as a cornerstone in the realm of hair restoration, renowned for its efficiency in treating extensive hair loss, yielding high-density results as well as natural gradient hairline, and being cost-effective.

So, what are your options when confronting hair loss? Which method aligns best with your needs? How can you leverage the latest advancements to reverse the signs of hair thinning? On this FUT page, you will discover detailed information about the FUT procedure, its advantages, and how to determine if it’s the right choice for you. We’ll tackle prevalent questions and highlight the cutting-edge developments that place FUT among the leading solutions for both men and women seeking hair restoration.

The landscape of hair transplantation has undergone remarkable transformations since its inception. It all started with Dr. Orentreich’s groundbreaking Punch Hair Transplant technique in the 1950s, which set the foundation for modern hair restoration. The field then progressed to Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) in the 1990s, a method that involves removing a strip of scalp with hair follicles and transplanting them to the balding areas.

Hair transplantation, a procedure familiar to many, involves relocating hair from densely haired regions of the scalp to areas experiencing thinning or baldness. When harvesting hairs from the donor area, there are 3 methods including FUT, FUE, and combination of FUT and FUE, each method has their own pros and cons.

Maxwell Hair Clinic

What Is FUT Technique?

The FUT hair transplant also well known as strip surgery involves extraction of a strip of skin from the scalp, from which individual hair follicles are then meticulously removed and prepared for transplantation. The surgery typically takes between 4 to 8 hours and is usually quicker than the FUE method. Patients remain awake during the procedure, with local anesthesia applied to numb the scalp.

The FUT surgery involves several steps, starting with the preparation of the donor area and the extraction of the skin strip. After the follicles are harvested, the scalp is sutured, and the follicles are transplanted into balding areas in a pattern that mimics natural hair growth. This method is especially effective in covering receding hairlines and is best suited for men with male pattern baldness and women experiencing hair thinning at the top of their head.

Maxwell Hair Clinic

Benefits of FUT Hair Transplant

FUT is a preferred choice for those who require a large number of follicles to be transplanted, as it allows for a significant number of grafts in one session. While it does leave a linear scar, this is typically concealed by existing hair and fades over time. However, for those who prefer to keep their hair short, FUE might be a more suitable alternative due to its less noticeable scarring. The cost of FUT varies depending on factors like the number of follicles transplanted.

Despite the possibility of a scar and a longer recovery period compared to FUE, FUT remains a viable and effective option for many seeking to address hair loss with natural and long-lasting results.

  • Minimal scarring
  • Quick recovery in the donor area
  • Over 95% graft survival rate
  • Ideal for short hairstyles

Maxwell Hair Clinic

How It Works

Step 1: Harvest

On the day of your surgery, the donor area where your hair is still thick will be prepared. This is usually at the back or side of your head. The surgeon will give you local anesthesia to numb the area. For FUT, instead of using a machine to take out individual hairs like in FUE, the surgeon cuts out a strip of skin. This strip has lots of hair follicles.

FUT surgeries do not require the donor area to be shaven, as the doctor does not need to remove the follicles one-by-one, but instead just removes the entire strip. Even though this leaves a linear scar, it’s usually hidden by your hair. The unshaved method is preferable as the scar remains completely invisible.

Step 2: Transplantation

After taking the strip of skin, the surgeon separates it into smaller hair grafts which are kept safe until they’re ready to be put into the balding areas. The balding areas are often at the front, top, or sides of your head. The surgeon uses special tools to carefully place each graft. They make sure to follow the natural direction of your hair growth. This helps make your new hair look natural and blend in with the rest of your hair.

Under local anesthesia, doctor will remove a strip of your skin from the donor area based on pre-design you and your surgeon agreed

The professionals then carefully plucks out the hair graft with tweezers.These grafts are kept fresh at a specific temperature until they are ready to be placed.

The assistant uses tools to divide the grafts, which range from one to several hairs, ensuring a variety of graft thicknesses necessary for a natural-gradient hair transplant.

The doctor will carefully perform the transplantation step. It is crucial to achieve a seamless and natural-looking hairline. Carefully sorting these grafts is a delicate and detailed phase before they are implanted.

Maxwell Hair Clinic

Recovery Timeline After a Hair Transplant

Before Hair Transplant

10 Days After Hair Transplant

3 Months After Hair Transplant

7 months After Hair Transplant

Before Hair Transplant

9 Days After Hair Transplant

5 Months After hair transplant

9 months after hair transplant

Day 2 ~ Day 30

You may feel pain for the first week as the scalp needs time to heal. You will see scabbing in two locations on the scalp: the donor area and the recipient area. These scabs are small, so they heal quickly. The day after the surgery, we will provide post-operative care, including removing the bandages from the donor area, disinfection dressing, shampoo service and laser treatment for the maximum viability. We recommend using antibiotic spray for 3 days. Most of our patients fly back to their home country the day after the shampoo service. If you need to have stitches removed, our surgeons may use dissolvable stitches or provide medical documentation so that you can have the remaining stitches removed in your home country. In that case, you can fly the day after the surgery.

Month 1 ~ Month 3

70-80% of the transplanted hair, along with some original hairs, will fall out during this period. However, please do not worry, as this is normal during the recovery process. After 3 to 5 months, the hairs will start to grow normally. If you experience any discomfort during the recovery process, you can contact us at any time, and we will provide assistance even after the procedure. If you are living in Korea, you can also visit our clinic regularly for check-ups during this period.

Month 3 ~ Month 6

This is the period when patients worry the most because the hair will be going through shock loss. However, it is also the time when new hairs start to grow slowly, typically at a rate of about 1 cm per month. Please do not worry; it takes a bit more time before it starts to resemble the desired result.

Month 6 ~ Month 12

Hair will actively grow in the recipient area, and with hair loss treatment, the number of hairs and their thickness can even improve during this period. The hair will gain in thickness & length, and may also change in character. It generally takes one year to see the full results of a hair transplant. We recommend having a 1-year follow up with your surgeon, as this is usually the time you can expect a full result.

Maxwell Hair Clinic

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What distinguishes the FUT hair transplant method from the FUE technique?

The FUT method, also known as strip surgery, involves the extraction of a strip of skin from the scalp, which is then meticulously dissected to obtain individual hair follicles for transplantation. This differs from the FUE technique, which involves extracting individual follicles directly from the scalp. FUT is particularly efficient for treating extensive hair loss, offering high-density results and a natural hairline gradient and is typically faster and more cost-effective than FUE, making it preferable for those needing a large number of grafts.

How is Recovery Managed After an FUT Hair Transplant at Maxwell?

Recovery post-FUT involves some discomfort and scalp healing during the first week, with possible scabbing at both the donor and recipient areas. While most patients can return to their home country the day after these services, those requiring stitch removal may have dissolvable stitches or receive documentation to remove stitches abroad. The majority of transplanted hair will shed within the first three months, followed by new hair growth, with final results usually visible within a year.

What are the main benefits of choosing an FUT hair transplant at Maxwell?

Choosing FUT at Maxwell offers several benefits, including the ability to transplant a large number of follicles in a single session, making it ideal for significant hair loss coverage. While it leaves a linear scar, it’s generally concealed by existing hair and fades over time. Although FUT may have a longer recovery time and potential for scarring compared to FUE, its effectiveness in achieving natural, long-lasting results makes it a viable option for many.

Maxwell Hair Clinic

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To ease the journey, Maxwell provides comprehensive international patient services, including bilingual medical professionals and translators/consultants for effortless communication. From the initial online consultation to scheduling appointments and aftercare, our dedicated team is here to assist every step of the way. Consult with our doctors from anywhere in the world, just with your photos!

Interested in having a hair transplant in Korea? The initial consultation is free. Use our convenient email form to get started.

We look forward to seeing you in Seoul.

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