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Revision Surgery

Maxwell Hair Clinic

Revision Transplant Surgery at Maxwell

A revision transplant surgery addresses unsatisfactory results from a previous procedure, or improves an outdated transplant whose results have regressed over time.

Maxwell Hair Clinic

Reasons for Revision Hair Transplant Surgery

Many factors lead to a person wanting revision hair transplant surgery. 

  • The initial surgery was poorly performed due to a lack of skill or experience.
  • The methods used for hair transplantation were outdated.
  • Patients were satisfied with their initial surgery but may wish to enhance hair density.
  • The results of the initial surgery were unnatural.

Maxwell Hair Clinic

Methods of Revision Surgery

The method used at Maxwell for revision surgery is called the ‘punch and place’ method. This technique involves using an FUE punch to extract previously placed grafts and then replacing them with new grafts harvested from the donor area. Due to the small size of the residual holes, the doctor is able to remove a large amount of grafts without any noticeable scarring. The healing time of the grafted hair is usually quite rapid.

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